New Year, New Goal
Something old is being reworked into something new, but what is going on here?
Moontail Games is a fresh venture founded by Tiger Collins, built around the idea of offering valuable services to game developers. With years of experience, our team is eager to support independent developers and small companies by providing essential documentation and playtesting—the behind-the-scenes work that makes all the difference!
However, those services aren’t the core of Moontail Games. Our roots lie in a personal project by the founder—Split The Party. This passion project has been in development since 2019, with years of prototyping and experimenting with mechanics through paper models and game iterations. Now, thanks to an opportunity from Screen Queensland through their Games Residency, Split The Party is poised to transition from a hobby to a market-ready product. While there are no guarantees, this support is a huge boost, and we’re excited to share the journey and progress of Moontail Games.
The new year is here, and we’re excited to hit the ground running, offering services to businesses and independent developers, while continuing work on Split The Party. We hope to be sharing monthly blog posts to keep you updated on all the latest from Moontail Games.